Today I was going to write a story either including or based on the songs from the Bat out of Hell CD. This idea has been with me for years, but I have never followed through with it. Now, with nothing but time on my hands, I thought I'd get a jump on it. But I just can't get it started. Maybe, I've overthought the whole thing and that's my deal. It's a minor dilemma, really, but it's still a dilemma.
Today I had little competition between myself, my lawn mower and Bob Marley. It was a hot morning, but the lawn needed mowing and, hey, thanks to the State of Minnesota, I'm home today to mow it. So I selected the Bob Marley "Legend" album on the ipod and filled up the mower with gas. The race was to see which one would finish first? Would I finish the yard, or run out of gas, or hear the whole album first?
Well Bob won. I heard the first couple of songs a second time before I finished mowing the lawn. But even with the grass being quite wet, I still mowed the whole deal on one tank of gas.
So, I got a mowed yard, some exercise and this little tid-bit from the Wailers:
a tip from a gypsy
she said "man you gettin tipsy"
hiding from reality
in your world of hypocrisy
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