Thursday, December 11, 2014

December 11 - In my defense, I've been busy with the day job.  At one point I was completely emotionally overwhelmed and this is not a good time for writing. At least not for me. So, what did I do ALL DAY MONDAY when I was home?  I wrote. A little.  I slept, a lot. And I unfriended (really, that's not a word yet?) all my coworkers on Facebook.  Why? Because I don't anyone to hold against me what I post. There are a couple of others I'd like to ditch too, but then it would be obvious.

So I wrote a little more and I found the harmonica I lost a hundred years ago and I haven't learned how to play Fur Elise, Swanee River or Love Me Do.
Even after I  realized that I spent too much time messing with the fool harmonica (Does anyone know which is the top?) I didn't go to writing the story.  Instead I came here to write a blog entry about not writing my novel.
We're getting somewhere with the story, though. I mean the shit has finally hit the fan.  I'm on page - I don't know and an interested reader, provided they've made it this far, could honestly say, "Oh, THIS is what the book is about".
I gotta say when I started writing the book I didn't know it was going to go here, but there is a line Jessica will say to Shane that I thought up a long time ago and now I've just been writing and writing to set up a situation where she can say it.  I can't say what it is here, total spoiler, but I can tell you, that if I stick to the script in my head Shane will say, "I know, Jess.  I love you."
EWW! Not all "love" is romantic. Shane loves Jessica because he knows that no matter how you shake up the big old planet and let all the billions of people fall wherever like pieces of snow in a globe, he has to land next to her. Hearts connected.

Alright, enough.  I'm going to write now.  For like an hour.

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